Thursday, May 24, 2007


I was beginning to wonder if I ever really would write any more, but yesterday I DID. And it wasn't all that hard, after I made myself sit down and do it. Might even try it again today...

I spent the whole day (9 AM to 7:30 PM) at the hospital with a friend who had to go in for a procedure--I figured three or four hours--but the doctor was three hours late, and THEN they told us she had to lay flat without bending her leg for four hours...Anyway, I had gone prepared. Figured there would be no interuptions there, and nothing to distract me, so I packed my pads of paper and a couple of mechanical pencils and set off. Didn't know where I was going with the story, but managed to get six pages written. Now if I will only do that for the next several days, the book will be finished and ready for revisions. And with such a good critique group now, I really need to finish it before I get far along enough to need it to post!

Another Little Grandson day. Today we played all sorts of ball games outside, and played with the playdough, as well as having a puppet show and reading a story and playing a long game of concentration...which he won hands down. Amazing, though, how many rules there are to our ball games, and how quickly they can change. :-)

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